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Bristol Fourth of July Committee

Meet the General Chairman


Camille Teixeira

General Chairman

Bristol Fourth of July Committee

Thanks for visiting our website, we value all the support we get from our community, and we hope you visit here often to check out all of the Fourth of July happenings
and certainly visit here to purchase tickets to our events, and our souvenirs.


Our 239th Celebration is well on its way, our Committee of Volunteers has started,
and we have two events scheduled for December.  This Celebration is the Oldest Continuous Celebration of our Nation’s Independence and this committee of 100% volunteers continues that tradition.


Our Parade will be on Thursday, July 4, 2024, and step off the corner of Hope St.
and Chestnut St. at 10:30 AM.  There are many events that lead up to this parade,
the Miss 4th of July Pageant, Cultural Night, Old Fashion Days, Block Party, Golf Tournament and so many more.  These events help raise funds for the concert
series and fireworks.


The Police, Fire, DPW, Harbor, and Parks and Recreation departments are the best at what they do, and without their support, none of what we do would be possible. They all provide so much support to us for all of these events and we want to thank
them for all they do!  Our elected officials are also an integral part of what we do, and
we thank them for their support.


And finally thank you to our generous community, and our many generous sponsors, with all of your support this wouldn’t be possible.


We are always looking for more volunteers, and certainly if you wish to become a sponsor, I ask that you reach me at


Thank you, and we hope you join us in our 239th year of celebration!

Bristol Fourth of July Committee

Meet the Officers

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Ana Barboza Motta
Vice Chairman
Parade Chairman

Dudley Hallagan

Deb Rainey
Recording Secretary

Patty Squatrito
Corresponding Secretary

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