Become a Member!
Join our committee! Membership applications are must be postmarked by August 1st.

Not a Bristol resident but still looking to volunteer? Sign up here to be a Celebration Volunteer. We'll reach out to bring you into the loop when our Celebration begins to ramp up!
Photos by Nat Squatrito
Fourth of July Celebration
Bristol, Rhode Island 's

America's Oldest Continuous Fourth of July Celebration

Fourth of July Celebration
Patriotic Exercises

Colt Memorial School
Friday, July 4, 2025
8:30 a.m.
Patriotic Exercises is the foundation for our claim as the Oldest Continuous Celebration in the United States. The Annual Bristol 4th of July Celebration began in 1785 when Rev. Henry Wight of the First Congregational Church and Veteran of the Revolutionary War conducted the first Patriotic Exercises.
Each year a Patriotic Speaker or Speaker of the Day is chosen by the Committee to speak to our community to kick off the Fourth of July. Patriotic Exercises begins each July 4th at Colt School in downtown Bristol at 8:30 a.m.

Patriotic Speaker

Hattie Brown Award

Longest Traveled

For all inquiries email:
Judy Squires
Dick Devault
Contact Us
Bristol 4th of July Committee
General Chairman: Camille Teixeira
General Inquiries
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 561
Bristol, RI 02809