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Join our committee! Membership applications are must be postmarked by August 1st.

Not a Bristol resident but still looking to volunteer? Sign up here to be a Celebration Volunteer. We'll reach out to bring you into the loop when our Celebration begins to ramp up!
Photos by Nat Squatrito
Fourth of July Celebration
Bristol, Rhode Island 's

America's Oldest Continuous Fourth of July Celebration

Bristol Fourth of July Celebration
Master List
2024 Patriotic Supporters
Ms. Ann-Marie Conklin Wishing you great success with this year's parade.
Ben and Tina Barboza
Cliff and Kathy McGovern
Richard and Robin Medeiros. 4th of July in Bristol is the best!
DeWolf and Martha Fulton. Congrats to the Committee on a festive 239th and many, many more to come!
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony (Elsie) Avila. Happy 4th of July to All!
John Andrade Insurance Happy 4th Bristol!!
Dick & Lydia Devault
Timothy & Frances Pray Be safe, Bristol enjoy the 4th of July events and parade!
Suzanne & Ira Magaziner So proud to live in Bristol!
Martha Costa Always loved the 4th of July.
David Duggan
Herb Cummings We are proud of our volunteers and Town deptartments that make this
event possible.
Paul & Paula Ferreira Celebrating 239 years of patriotism. Thank you Bristol, 4th of July Committee and all supporters who make this parade possible.
Oliver Ins. Agency, Inc. Happy Fourth of July!
Edna Greene
Mrs. Ronald Gladue Happy 4th of July!
Patty Enright & Fran Grunberg
Ursillo, Teitz & Ritch, Ltd.
Pam Lenehen & Larry Guess
Susan & David Hibbitt
Sharon & Corey Fusco
Zane & Carol Anderson
Anne Welch
Ferreira Electric, Inc. Happy 4th of July!
George C. Lima Funeral Home
Robert Mirick
Leyla Saltuk
Edward & Rachel Castro Have a "Happy and Safe 4th of July." Congratulations to our new Chief Marshal, and family.
Bennett & Charlotte Burnham Congratulations! Eliza, Tom, Claire, Wesley, Nick, & Chelsea
Sandra Andrade
Tony & Jacqueline A. Teixeira Thank you to all the volunteers for their time and service to keep Bristol 4th Celebration alive and well. God Bless All!
Robert Rondeau Thanks for continuing the tradition!!!
Nina & Patrick McCarthy Bristol's 4th! Still the oldest, still the best!
Principe Engineering, Inc Happy 4th of July!
Maryann & Paul Salesi Congratulations Camille Teixeira, General Chairperson and her team of hard working volunteers. Best wishes for the fabulous 4th of Jut Celebration.
Vietnam Veterans Group
Columban Fathers
Lydia Serpa In Memory of Russell S. Serpa, 220th Chief Marshal. Gone but not forgotten!
Anita CordeiroI Love the USA
Eleanor McGinn
Natalie Urban
Eddie & Sandi Stuart Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and safe 4th of July!
Kim Securo/Mike Caprio We are happy to be part of the Fourth of July Celebration.
Joseph & leigh McGraw Happy Fourth, Bristol! God Bless America!
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cardullo
Jane Castro In Memory of Francis N. Perry, General Chairman, 1959-1960
John & Gina Hamel Happy 4th of July!
Gayl & Dudley Hallagan Happy 4th Bristol and Happy Birthday America!
Peter & Eileen Hewett
Sue Nerone In Memory of Bo and Ann, from your Family
Ocean Massage Happy Fourth of July!
Joan Prescott
Joseph & Julie Perroni
Marcia Bosworth
A. Fire & Safety
Nick Puniello Thank you Committee members for your hard work.
J's Junk Removal and
Moving Service
Frank and Pat Caruso Happy Fourth of July!
Steven Paitchel
Honorable Cindy Coyne Wishing everyone a happy & safe 4th of July celebration. Enjoy the day!
Joan & Rich Abrams Congratulations Bristol!
Contact Us
Bristol 4th of July Committee
General Chairman: Camille Teixeira
General Inquiries
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 561
Bristol, RI 02809